Elaine R Kelly

Dec 15, 20232 min

Mary, Brave and Bold

Updated: Dec 16, 2023

Expecting, waiting, hoping.

That's Mary. That's advent.

Mary expected what the angel told her. She had faith in what was not seen or known. She waited. She hoped to deliver God's deliverer.

Pregnant by the Spirit? Claimed the pregnancy was from God? That her son would reign on the throne of David?

  • I imagine they would have mocked her for being proud, as Joseph's brothers mocked him for his dream of them bowing down to him.

  • I imagine they would have called her a liar and an adulterer. She put her life at risk by consenting to this pregnancy. Mary was brave and bold.

  • I imagine Mary's fear when she felt alone, with no one believing her. Even her beloved Joseph did not take her word as true. A woman's testimony was unreliable. He was considering divorce.

  • I imagine she fled to Elizabeth's house in the country, seeking shelter from both insults and physical harm. Women today often seek shelter with other women when coping with a surprise pregnancy, and the men have not yet stepped up to offer support.

Mary, brave to accept an unexpected pregnancy

I imagine Elizabeth knew the Scriptures well when she quoted that the one in her womb left for joy on seeing Mary pregnant.

I imagine Mary knew Scriptures well and took comfort from the prophet Hannah, who sang about her pregnancy from God. Mary was learned and devout. She leaned on Scripture and on sisters in faith for strength.

Check out this excerpt from my upcoming interactive devotional:

I imagine the relief when at last Joseph said an angel had appeared to him and confirmed Mary's story. He didn't believe Mary, but he believed the angel, and he took care of Mary, protecting her from harm, taking her as his wife, and knowing her not until after Jesus was born.

Joseph joined her in expecting, waiting, hoping.

We are expecting, waiting, and hoping during the Advent season.

But we know the end. Jesus lived, died, and rose and now God expects, waits, and hopes for God's people to share God's new commandment, to love one another.

Mary, bold to prophesy that Jesus would uplift the lowly

Imagination helps us contemplate Scripture.

It helps us understand God's word.

Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold retells the Gospels from the women's viewpoint.

The women are healing from trauma, sexism, racism, and religious authoritarianism.

#ForgottenFollowers #biblicalfiction #empoweringwomen #femaledisciples #traumahealing 

#loveoneanother #loveislove #biblicalequality #feministtheology #Christianfeminist #advent #mothermary #feminist #womeninleadership

#womeninministry #FemaleClergy


