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Writer's pictureElaine R Kelly

What happened in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3)

In 2021, I discovered the Eden Podcast, discussing the correct translation of Geneses 3:16 and its implications about women and men being equal partners. It certainly looks like past historians and theologians have framed Eve, used her as a scapegoat to explain our own wrong choices.

In the Eden Podcast, Bruce Fleming expands on the work of his wife, Dr. Joy Fleming. In her doctoral research, she found that God promised the woman she would experience increased “sorrowful-toil” (or ‘itsabon, in Hebrew) on the infertile ground after God cursed the ground because of the man, v. 17). God also promised the woman increased fertility or “conception” (or heron, in Hebrew) and that her Offspring would crush the head of the serpent-tempter. God did not curse Eve or Adam, who were each made in God's image and each tasked with ruling over the earth. God did not curse Eve's offspring, including us. There are only two curses:

  • The curse on the land would multiply the sorrowful toil of the land for both women and men; and

  • The curse on the snake would mean enmity between the snake (Satan) and the women's Offspring (Jesus).

The Eden Podcast
The Eden Podcast

Blaming Eve for the Fall of mankind or for human depravity is not biblical. Paul tells us that "sin entered the world through one man [Adam]... grace came through one man, Jesus (Romans 5:12-15).

Bruce C. E. Fleming writes that God’s words to the woman, correctly translated, show the grace and plan of God regarding the woman. Like the man, she would experience increased sorrow working the cursed ground, but she would be blessed with the ability to bear offspring. Genesis also does not state that God designed men to rule and women to be subject to men. God predicts or warns Eve that man wants to rule over her.

What does Genesis 3:16 actually say? Bruce C. E. Fleming reveals the true meaning of the original language this way:

"I will surely multiply (1) your sorrowful toil in fieldwork and (2) your conception. With effort you will bring forth children. Your [loving] desire [is] to your husband but he [is rebelliously ruling over himself and] will rule over you."

Bruce C. E. Fleming uses the academic work of his wife, Dr. Joy Fleming, to create the Eden Podcast. On The Eden Podcast they discuss what the Bible says about women and men, based on a correct understanding of what happened in the Garden of Eden. The new understanding of Genesis can give new understanding to several controversial passages.

Season One: Genesis 2-3

Season Two: Ephesians 5-6

Season Three: 1 Timothy

Season Four: 1 Corinthians 11 and 14 and 1 Peter 3

There are more episodes addressing issues that result from the negative interpretations of Genesis 3:16.

Bruce Fleming explores how seven key Bible passages on women and men can be seen in the light of the true meaning of Genesis 3;16.

  1. Genesis 2: God created men and women as partners

  2. Genesis 3: God didn't curse Eve or Adam or limit woman in any way

  3. Ephesians 5: Submit to teaching and correction from one another, for we are united in one body with Christ

  4. 1 Timothy 1 and 2: correct and restore men and women overseers who go astray

  5. 1 Corinthians 11: silence the legalists who propose restrictions on women; a woman has authority over what she wears on her head

  6. 1 Corinthians 14: men and women are to pray and prophecy aloud using their gifts to build up the body, be orderly in worship,

  7. 1 Peter 3: witness to unbelieving spouses to win them to Christ

Pros: Easy to listen to, good, illustrative stories, careful study of the original language


Difficult to listen to the podcast while driving or walking as detailed anylsis relies heavily on referencing the Eden workbooks.

Does not quote any other research or collaboration with other scholars

Leaves little room for alternative ideas and presents interpretations as the only correct ones.

Find Details:


Youtube channel: Tru316

The Eden Podcast


Man and Woman in Biblical Unity: Theology from Genesis 2-3 (2013), by Dr. Joy Fleming

The Book of Eden, Genesis 2-3: God Didn't curse Eve (or Adam) or Limit Woman in Any Way (2021), by Bruce C. E. Fleming

Beyond Eden: Ephesians 5-6: The Great Mystery Revealed: Mutually Submitting in Christ (2021), by Bruce C. E. Fleming


Elaine Kelly Author writes books about women in the bible and early church and blogs empowering women.

#amwriting #HistoricalFiction Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold, telling the story of Mara, broken by #abuse, and Joanna, broken by #racism. Both take steps towards #selfcare #Healing and #wholeness #evewasframed

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