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The EXvangelicals (Book Review)
What Genre Are You Reading? (Book Reviews)
Do You Love Who You Are? (Author Interview)
Equality for Some is Not Equality
Short Story: A Companion's Strength
Faith and Feminism Book Chat on Biblical Equality: Elaine Kelly Interview
Neither Male Nor Female?
Why LGBTQ characters in a Novel of the Early Church?
Christian Freedom in Corinth (3)
Sex and Morality in Corinth (2) 1 Corinthians 5-7
Unwrapping the Unexpected!
Paul: Laws vs Love Above All (Romans)
5 Things Art Shows About What Society Values
Five Facts in Creation that Free Women (Genesis 1-2)
How can I be an LGBTQ affirming Christian? I follow Jesus and Paul
The Bible Affirms All People (1 Timothy 1)
What is God's Gender? Neither male nor female
Is it Christian Fiction?
Be Macho Men: Is that how to Imitate Christ?
Schisms: Divisions in the Christian Family
Dirty Laundry in the Church and What to Do About It