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Elaine R Kelly
Jan 281 min read
The Mysteries Revealed on the Road (free inspirational download)
Inspirational poster empowering women. Free Download!

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 21, 202410 min read
Movie Review: Mary (2024 film)
What does the new film about Mary sacrifice to achieve danger and drama?

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 12, 202413 min read
Equality In Christ (Colossians)
Equality in Christ is the main idea in the book of Colossians. Don't listen to human requirements.

Elaine R Kelly
Aug 3, 20245 min read
If You Have Ever Felt Marginalized, Listen Up! (Interview)
April Tribe Giauque hosts the Beacon of Light podcast; If you have felt marginalized, Elaine Kelly author brings healing & hope.

Elaine R Kelly
May 22, 20246 min read
Faith and Feminism Book Chat on Biblical Equality: Elaine Kelly Interview
Faith and Feminism book chat with Elaine Kelly author of egalitarian and LGBTQ-affirming fiction.

Elaine R Kelly
Apr 5, 20247 min read
Did Mary Magdalene Preach and Do a Miracle?
Let's look at any evidence of truth that Mary Magdalene preached and performed a miracle before Emperor Tiberius.

Elaine R Kelly
Apr 4, 20247 min read
Mary Magdalene's Miracle (CBE)
Did Mary Magdalene testify before Emperor Tiberius that Christ rose? Did she perform the miracle of the red egg? Why has this been sidelined

Elaine R Kelly
Apr 1, 202411 min read
Cast of Characters: Apostle Paul and Female Apostles in New Testament Fiction
Imagine how the Apostle Paul's story intersects with the stories of female apostles in the early church. See it in my New Testament fiction.

Elaine R Kelly
Feb 15, 20243 min read
Seeing is Believing
Beth Allison Barr gives a defence of women in ministry and a whole way of looking at the female half of the population.

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 30, 202322 min read
Women in Public Worship (4) 1 Corinthians 11
1 Corinthians 11: How are women in public worship to prophesy and teach? How is Christ the head of the church?

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 27, 20239 min read
What's Going on in Corinth? (1) 1 Corinthians 1-4
Introduction to 1 Corinthians, chapters 1-4 and giving egalitarian Christian reflections.

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 26, 20235 min read
God Sends An Army of Women
David refers to an Army of Women (Ps. 68). Let's look at some leading women of the Bible.

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 15, 20235 min read
Unwrapping the Unexpected!
Unwrapping the cover of my upcoming historical fiction Because She Was Called From Broken to Bold Book 2 A novel of the early church.

Elaine R Kelly
Dec 15, 20232 min read
Mary, Brave and Bold
Mary, brave and bold, consented to risk her life, to face accusations of adultery, to risk her marriage, to boldly consent to God's plan.

Elaine R Kelly
Nov 20, 20236 min read
How Many Women are in the Bible?
How many women are in the New Testament? I count 35 in the Gospels and more women in the New Testament. Get to know the women in the Bible!

Elaine R Kelly
Oct 16, 20234 min read
Behind the Story: Elaine Kelly Interview
Summary of my biblical fiction author interview video on Behind The Story: writing journey, female disciples, and surprises about me!

Elaine R Kelly
Oct 10, 20232 min read
The No Pressure Book Club
Book Club discusses Forgotten Followers, women of the Bible, and the women who are silenced today.

Elaine R Kelly
Sep 24, 20233 min read
Yay Book Clubs!
Book clubs are a great way to share insights on what you have read, to connect books to the way you have lived.

Elaine R Kelly
Jul 26, 20232 min read
Fresh Perspectives Give Freedom
Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold is a biblical fiction showing women who feel forgotten and broken. How can they heal and find hope?

Elaine R Kelly
Jul 20, 20234 min read
From Prostitutes to Priests: How We Imagine Women Matters (CBE)
For centuries, art and theology have shown women as prostitutes and neglected women's history as priests. How we imagine women matters.

Elaine R Kelly
Jul 14, 202327 min read
Book Review: Tell Her Story
New Testament scholar shows us the world where women lived, worked, taught, ministered, led, and risked prison and death for Jesus.
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