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Movie Review: The Jesus Film Project
Mary of Clopas and Mary of Nazareth
Who was Mary Magdalene? Who was Mary of Bethany?
Is your Novel Biblical?
What do you believe, and What do those hashtags mean?
Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood
Media Review: What she Said about the Bible (Podcast)
What happened in the Garden of Eden? #Evewasframed
Pop Quiz: Better Theology
Book Review: The Female Disciples of Jesus
Something Beautiful: Freedom
Is the to Call Love one another a Call for Equality?
Where Does the Bible say Women are Equal to Men?
Art of Mary of Clopas in Emmaus
Mary of Clopas: The Other Disciple on the Road
History: as different as black and white
Gatekeepers vs. Freedom (3)
Gatekeepers in Churches (2)
Do we need a Gatekeeper? (1)
Racism in Churches?
Is the Trinity Egalitarian or Complementarian?