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Elaine R Kelly
Apr 28, 202312 min read
Did the Church Misconstrue Apostle Paul's Writing? (4)
If Apostle Paul's letters were meant to encourage gender equality, did the church get it wrong? Pauline Christianity vs Jesus

Elaine R Kelly
Apr 28, 202318 min read
Was Apostle Paul Misquoted? (3)
Egalitarian interpretations of controversial passages resolve conflicts within Paul's letters and between Paul, Peter, James, and Jesus.

Elaine R Kelly
Apr 27, 202314 min read
Was Apostle Paul a Misogynist? (2)
Was Apostle Paul a misogynist? Did he hate women? Do you avoid reading his writing? Do Paul's letters make you want to avoid Christianity?

Elaine R Kelly
Jul 25, 202228 min read
Does The Bible Teach Gender Roles? (Ephesians)
Paul's letter to the Ephesians is debated for apparently putting males above females. But it's about unity, not hierarchy.
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