So excited and thankful to receive local media coverage for Forgotten Followers from two news sources!
The Hamilton Spectator and TorStar papers provided local media coverage for Forgotten Followers the week of my book launch.
A Christian-based novel addresses inequality and gender roles
“Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold” aims to bring healing and hope for readers
The article says my book is for those who are “forgotten, sidelined or silenced.”
Hamilton author Elaine Ricker Kelly offers a discussion of the “problems of Christian teachings” of inequality and gender roles in her new book. Her writing challenges the church to affirm gender equality,
What a fantastic witness to the secular community to see Christians working toward equality, healing and hope!

NewsNow Niagara shared this wonderful local media coverage for Forgotten Followers, my new historical fiction, and my author journey.
Forgotten Followers From Broken to Bold
Local author Elaine Ricker Kelly launches historical fiction empowering women
Imagine a mix of Little Women (strength in sisterhood to overcome patriarchal expectations) and The Red Tent (a fictional retelling of biblical stories from a female perspective), and you'll have an idea of what to expect in Forgotten Followers from Broken to Bold.
Mike Williscraft and Joanne McDonald were a pleasure to work with, and I appreciate their local media coverage for Forgotten Followers. I love my little town. The more people hear about my novel, the more people will be freed from gender stereotypes.
If you enjoyed my novel, please leave a review on Amazon, Goodreads, or Chapters-Indigo.
If you have not read it, buy your copy locally at @the_local_nook (beside Giant Tiger in Grimsby) or on Amazon or a variety of retailers. Find links to retailers here.
Read the New Now coverage here.

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