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Elaine R Kelly
Jun 14, 202310 min read
True Doctrine Leads to Godliness (Titus)
Does the letter to Titus limit women as elders, ministry leaders, working in business or the public? No.

Elaine R Kelly
Jun 9, 202310 min read
Qualifications to be a Church Leader (1 Timothy 3-6)
Do the qualifications to be a church leader say anything about women in leadership? No.

Elaine R Kelly
Jun 9, 202315 min read
Women, Authority and Fear in Childbirth (1 Timothy 2)
Egalitarian commentary on 1 Timothy 2: Women, Authority, and being saved through childbirth.

Elaine R Kelly
Jun 7, 202315 min read
The Bible Affirms All People (1 Timothy 1)
1 Timothy 1 affirms all people and tells believers to stop exploiting others.

Elaine R Kelly
Nov 29, 20217 min read
What do you believe, and What do those hashtags mean?
Elaine R Kelly, Author writes to empower women as equals and affirming LGBT: what does she believe?

Elaine R Kelly
Nov 8, 20213 min read
What happened in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 3)
A look at what the Eden Podcast reveals about Genesis 3. What really happened between God, Adam, Eve, and the snake?

Elaine R Kelly
Oct 15, 20213 min read
History: as different as black and white
The way we write about history is as different as black and white. White history honours the white man as Father of Pentecostalism and...

Elaine R Kelly
Oct 11, 20212 min read
Racism in Churches?
White Evangelical Racism by Anthea Butler

Elaine R Kelly
Oct 8, 20211 min read
The Power of Story-telling
In my new life as an author, I am very focused on the rule to "Show, Don't Tell". Other books have been written explaining the rationale...

Elaine R Kelly
Sep 20, 20212 min read
Do you have both male an female traits?
God has both male and female traits; so does the apostle Paul; so do I. God self describes in both female and male terms because God has...

Elaine R Kelly
Sep 16, 20213 min read
Should Women Preach and Teach? Argula Von Grumbach
Find out about a woman preaching in the 1500s using Biblical commands to defend her speech.
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